Better Questions to Ask Your Kids Than "How Was Your Day?"
How often do we sit down at the dinner table, ask our kids "how was your day?", and hear "good" as a response? We have been away from our...
Transitioning Your Child (Without the Countdown)
Counting down is one of the most commonly used strategies for transitioning children. For instance, in the classroom, your child might...
How Sleep Issues Affect Children's Academics, Behavior, and Relationships
Even small breathing disturbances can hugely affect children’s academic performance, behavior, social relationships, and extracurricular...
Why is Open-Mouth Breathing an Issue?
Open-mouth breathing affects nearly 55% of children. Open-mouth breathing can have significant effects on your child’s: a)...
How to Host the Perfect Play Date
Hosting a play date can be an overwhelming task. How can you get the most out of the day? How can you ensure that the children will...
The Importance of Consistency in Parenting
Picture this: One day you walk into work and your supervisor says you did a great job on your last project. The next day you come to work...
How to Handle Toddler Separation Anxiety
For many children, separation anxiety can kick in around 2 or 3 years of age. Here is my best advice for parents: Count down until the...
Does Learning Multiple Languages Delay a Child’s Speech and Language Development?
MYTH: Children who are bilingual talk later than children who are monolingual. TRUTH: Children who are bilingual should hit the SAME...
Autism "Red Flags" Checklist
Signs of autism can be apparent in children at a very young age. It is important to remember that autism is a spectrum and...
Put Away the Pacifier
Pacifier use provides many benefits for infants including: -Lowering the risk of SIDS -Satisfying the suck reflex -Encouraging...