Handling Toddler Separation Anxiety
For many children, separation anxiety can kick in around 2 or 3 years of age. Here is my best advice for parents: Count down until the...

Sing Songs to Teach Turn Taking
You can teach children turn taking through songs even before they can talk! All you have to do is give your child the opportunity to...

Teething Problems SOLVED
Teething Problems SOLVED by our Playhouse Parents 1. Frozen Banana 2. Vibrating Teether 3. Cold Washcloth 4. Frozen Teething Ring

Creative Ways to Say Bye Bye Binky
Children should end their pacifier use by age 2…but I advise parents to end its use by age 1- the sooner the better! Prolonged pacifier...

Why Brown Bear is One of the Greatest Books for Toddlers
Why is Brown Bear one of the greatest books for toddlers? Children love routines, and this book uses very repetitive language. Repetitive...